Big Apple on the Lohrberg: on Frankfurt's local mountain, you can enjoy apple wine right where the apples grow.
Perhaps the people of Frankfurt love their apple wine so much because it's such a great conversation starter. The MainÄppelHaus at the top of the 185 metre high Lohrberg is a particularly good place to do this. The path here leads through the city's most beautiful orchards, and a common theme quickly emerges: apples and everything that can be made from them. Because at the non-profit MainÄppelHaus, everything revolves around fruit. The facility includes a two-hectare garden, which is home to numerous old and new apple varieties, as well as cherries, pears and berries. The farm shop sells everything that can be produced from orchard fruit, from jam to fruit brandy. And of course you can also try the cider here: the Äppel-Bistro serves home-made cider, delicious snacks and such a wonderful view over Frankfurt that it's easy to strike up a conversation.
Perhaps the people of Frankfurt love their apple wine so much because it's such a great conversation starter. The MainÄppelHaus at the top of the 185 metre high Lohrberg is a particularly good place to do this. The path here leads through the city's most beautiful orchards, and a common theme quickly emerges: apples and everything that can be made from them. Because at the non-profit MainÄppelHaus, everything revolves around fruit. The facility includes a two-hectare garden, which is home to numerous old and new apple varieties, as well as cherries, pears and berries. The farm shop sells everything that can be produced from orchard fruit, from jam to fruit brandy. And of course you can also try the cider here: the Äppel-Bistro serves home-made cider, delicious snacks and such a wonderful view over Frankfurt that it's easy to strike up a conversation.
Good to know
In summer (April - October) Tue - Sun: 11:00 - 18:00, Mon closed.
In winter (November - March) Sat - Sun: 11:00 - 16:00.
In winter (November - March) Sat - Sun: 11:00 - 16:00.
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for families
for individual guests
Suitable for the Elderly
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Frankfurt Card
50 % Ermäßigung
Die Frankfurt Card ist ein Kombiticket, erhältlich als Tageskarte und 2-Tageskarte für Fahrten in Frankfurt inklusive Flughafen mit Rabatten von bis zu 50 % auf Rundgänge, Rundfahrten, Museumseintritte und in weiteren Attraktionen. Mit der Frankfurt Card können Frankfurt-Besucher ihren Aufenthalt bequemer gestalten, kreuz und quer durch die Stadt fahren und dabei die vielfältigen kulturellen Angebote zum vergünstigten Preis kennen lernen.
50 % Ermäßigung
Die Frankfurt Card ist ein Kombiticket, erhältlich als Tageskarte und 2-Tageskarte für Fahrten in Frankfurt inklusive Flughafen mit Rabatten von bis zu 50 % auf Rundgänge, Rundfahrten, Museumseintritte und in weiteren Attraktionen. Mit der Frankfurt Card können Frankfurt-Besucher ihren Aufenthalt bequemer gestalten, kreuz und quer durch die Stadt fahren und dabei die vielfältigen kulturellen Angebote zum vergünstigten Preis kennen lernen.