Maurer pottery




Bembel for everyone, potted by hand and made to order: in Sachsenhausen, the Maurers produce cider jugs in all shapes and sizes 

"Bembelina" – that's Monika Maurer's lovely nickname. It is impossible to count how many Bembel she has produced and decorated by hand in her pottery in Sachsenhausen over five decades. Her son is also involved in the business, and one thing is certain: if you want your very own individual Frankfurt souvenir, the Maurer pottery is the right place for you. You can order a pattern, inscription or shape according to your wishes – from mini mugs to 12-liter maxi sizes. The clay comes from the Westerwald and each piece is unique. Pottery is made on the wheel, followed by the handle, decoration and glaze, and the Bembel has to be dried and fired again and again in between.
The selection in Wallstraße is huge, even the Bembel for Frankfurt Eintracht come from the Maurer pottery. And if you don't want a Bembel, you can also find mugs, lids, glasses and the matching "Stöffche" – a wide range of ciders.

Good to know



Getting there

Maurer pottery
Wallstraße 5
60594 Frankfurt am Main