Kinder haben Rechte!



Exhibition Event
What am I allowed to do? What am I entitled to? What do I even have a legal right to? Answers to these questions are provided by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child with its 54 articles on children's rights - and the new exhibition "Children have rights!" at the Young Museum Frankfurt. Here, children, young people and adults can learn about individual children's rights in a playful and action-oriented way.

Children have rights. Children's rights. They are experts in their environment. They perceive themselves and others. They classify these perceptions, evaluate them and develop their own views from them. It is very important for children to grow up knowing and being able to use their rights. Adults have a duty to know, support and protect these rights.

The focus of the family-friendly exhibition is on the relationship between children's rights and the world in which children live. Interactive stations provide clear information about the rights and their importance with hands-on tasks. Equipped with a passport, visitors make their way through the labyrinth of children's rights. The key themes of "equality", "freedom of expression and information", "protection in war and flight", "education and leisure", "protection of privacy" and "good life" are conveyed through playful interactions: doing a demonstration, learning about stories about protection in flight and war, inventing poems, discovering their own relationship to children's rights in various games and discussing together in the "good life" game what everyone feels is important for a good life. At the end of the exhibition visit, a children's right is elected by secret ballot and discussed in the children's parliament.


Saturday, the 29.03.2025

11:00 - 18:00

Sunday, the 30.03.2025

11:00 - 18:00

Tuesday, the 01.04.2025

11:00 - 18:00


Getting there

Junges Museum Frankfurt
60311 Frankfurt am Main


Junges Museum Frankfurt
60311 Frankfurt am Main