Julie Kuhl


Jazz Music
Julie Kuhl, born in 2005 in Châ6llon-sur-Seine in France, is a young singer-songwriter from Frankfurt am Main.
songwriter from Frankfurt am Main who has made a name for herself over the past two years: “Julie Kuhl is
“Julie Kuhl is shaking up the Frankfurt music scene”, writes Alexander Jürgs in the FAZ, for example.
Alexander Jürgs in the FAZ. And music editor Detlef Kinsler raves in the Journal
Frankfurt: “The whole world will soon know her.”
Even as a small child, Julie began singing in choirs, learning instruments (guitar, piano, viola) and playing her first songs,
piano, viola) and writing her first songs herself. The first professional recording
of her own song was made at the age of 13 - during a stay at the
Hessian State Music Academy in Schlitz. After a stay abroad in
Scarborough/England, Julie began - with the support of her older brother Lasse, also a musician
also a musician - began to produce and publish her songs. At the age of 15
single “Where Seabirds Scream” at the age of 15 and her debut album “flowers & candles” shortly afterwards.
In November 2022 - at the age of 17 - Julie's second album “Born With
Nostalgic Bones” was released on the small Frankfurt label Jazz Montez Records. In contrast to her
album, in which soft and self-recorded guitar and piano melodies predominated, this time
more than a dozen musicians were involved this time, including a string quartet and a wind quartet.
string quartet and a wind quartet. 
The musical repertoire has also become significantly
from cool and danceable indie-soul to in6mate and heart-wrenching jazz-pop.
pop, but always held together by Julie's individual sound and her unmistakable
unmistakable s6mme.
With the release of the album, Julie's ac6vi6es also increased, some of them on big stages
stages (such as at El Barrio or the Holidays Fes6val in Frankfurt), sometimes small but
spectacular (such as in the Paulskirche accompanied by four string players or at the
Hessisches Jazzpodium accompanied by a saxophonist) and sometimes in unfamiliar terrain (such as the recent
unfamiliar terrain (as recently in an ARD podcast with presenter Mona Ameziane
and tennis player Andrea Petcovic).
The success of the song “Lonely Freaks” in particular (almost 400,000 Spo6fy
streams), Julie managed to make a name for herself outside the Rhine-Main region.
area. Most of her listeners no longer come from Frankfurt,
but also Berlin, Hamburg, Vienna and Munich. She now also frequently receives
from listeners all over the world, especially from Japan and California, where it is now regularly played on the radio.
where she is now regularly played on the radio.
In June of this year, Julie will finish school so that she can devote herself entirely to her
to her musical career. Just in time for this, the Cologne label Jakarta
Records is also releasing a new EP called “Clouds of Grief”.

Dates overview

Sunday, the 14.07.2024

19:00 - 20:30



Jazz Montez e.V
Arndtstrasse 34-36
60325 Frankfurt am Main


Getting there
Jazz & Fußball Stage in der Fan Zone Mainufer
60329 Frankfurt am Main
Jazz Montez e.V
Arndtstrasse 34-36
60325 Frankfurt am Main